What is squint?
Squint is a misalignment of the two eyes. This misalignment may be present as constant or intermittent squint
It can present as Congenital or acquired.
Inward deviation of eyes called as Esotropia and outward deviation of eye is called as exotropia and can deviate upward or downward direction.

Cause of Squint-
• Squint can be Hereditary
• Sometimes associated with refractive error. Congenital or Infantile esotropia presents in first 6 months of life and associated with high Hypermetropia.
Intermittent Divergent squints are mostly associated with myopia.
• Any associated brain disorders
• Post viral infection
• Post trauma
• Rarely- Intracranial Space occupying lesions or Raised intracranial pressure or associated systemic Diabetes Mellitus or Hypertension can cause- paralytic squint
Signs and symptoms-
• Eyes don’t look straight but deviates.
• Children closes one eye in bright sunlight
• Sometimes children move face to in direction to see objects as child is expericing Double vision that time
• Sometimes parents may notice that child is squinting intermittently mainly when chils id tired or watching television
• Adults do complain of intermittent double vision
How to diagnose squint?

Instruments used For evaluation of squint
Squint is diagnosed by ophthalmologist after doing some special tests to confirm the presence of squint.
Sometimes there can be Pseudosquint- due to broad nasal bridge in child.
Treatment –

Correction Of squint with spectacle in Accomodative Esotropia
• Correction with the spectacle
• Treat the amblyopia or Lazy eye first by patching therapy
• Surgery (after giving glasses and after threating amlyopia if present)
• In surgery weakening or strengthening of the muscles is done depending upon the type of squint
• Sometimes postoperative patients may complain of diplopia, then prisms may be added in the glasses for few days or months
• Squint Care Unit Of Horizon Hospital has Best squint specialist in Pune
Correction of Squint after Surgery